Steam boilers are like giant tea kettles used to boil water for the purpose of heating buildings and/or used for manufacturing processes. While boiling water over time, the concentration of minerals builds up and forms mineral deposits.
These deposits reduce the boiler’s efficiency and cause an increase fuel usage to keep the boiler running. Left unchecked the deposits can develop to the point where the heat from the burner cannot be transferred to the water quick enough and the boiler metal corrodes leading to boiler failure.
Softening the water is the best way to combat deposit build-up in boilers by removing the scale forming minerals (calcium and magnesium) found in hard water. Having the correct softened water along with a proper water treatment program for your boiler will increase efficiency, reduce energy consumption and protect your equipment’s longevity. The table bellow show the guidelines for boiler soft water make up:
Want to learn more about water softening options for your boiler?